What's Krill Oil

What's Krill OilHowever, I can only give general information. I can tell you this: the best-selling and most heavily advertised brand of krill oil, Mega Red, sold by Schiff, was not on the list. We have not gotten a clear answer why. Such an oversight seems glaring. 

* The vitamin A and D in modern cod liver oils is unfortunately reduced due to necessary refining. One tablespoon of Omega Cure, for instance, contains only 30% of the daily vitamin A recommended and only 10% of the daily vitamin D recommended.

Krill Oil Vs. Fish Oil: What's The Difference?

After reviewing all the information, to be perfectly honest, I think krill oil has its place and new studies are showing some great results with lipid lowering and arthritic pain reduction, but I feel it still needs further evaluation.2,3 I also believe that considering fish oil has had such extensive studies done, at this time it is possibly the better choice.

First things first: What is krill oil -or better yet- what are krill? No bigger than 2.5 inches in length, krill are those tiny shrimp-like crustaceans found in the ocean waters. These big-eyed creatures are brightly colored red-orange and as a whole, are considered to weigh more than the weight of all humans combined! So what is all the ranting and raving about for these tiny sea creatures?

At face value, krill oil and fish oil are very similar. Both offer EPA and DHA or omega-3 fatty acids. However, in terms of how the oil is sourced as well as how sustainable it is, krill oil is the better option.

Krill Oil For Hair

Here's a simple rule to weed out the most suspect products: krill oil is not a cheap product (just go charter a boat and fish once a year in frigid polar waters!!). If today (September 2010) a product is cheaper than $19 dollars for a single bottle with 60 capsules of 500 mg each, then it is unlikely to be the real thing. It's simple not possible to go cheaper. 

In many ways, we should stop talking about omega-3 in general and start clearly attributing the source of the omega-3 oil and the dose in reporting any new study. Right now, it’s as if we are making a judgement about the health benefits of grains, without mentioning whether we’re discussing barley or wheat or quinoa, refined grains or whole grains.

However, where krill is concerned, we only catch around 0.15% of an average whales annual consumption. Meaning that concerns as to whether it is environmentally friendly in regards to taking a whales main food source, is a misconception.

Krill oil comes from a crustacean (Euphasia superba), krill oil capsules not a fish. So no, krill oil is not fish oil. Krill oil is phospholipid based, while fish oil is triglyceride based. You can read all about this here: http://www.wellwise.org/krill-oil/krill-oil-vs-fish-oil-what-is-the-difference

However, with krill there is rapid decomposition of the oil in as little as 2-3 hours. Therefore, once harvested krill either have to be kept alive in a water tank or frozen in order to allow more time to process the oil.

Fish Oil Vs Krill Oil: What’s The Difference?

If you are looking to take an omega-3 supplement and krill oil supplements are out of your budget, then fish oils can still be a good choice. Both sets of supplements offer omega-3s which most people's diets are lacking.

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Why Is Krill Oil Good For You

I have read alot about krill oil lately. There seems to be a bunch of pure krill oil information out there but I don't know what to believe. Where can I find dependable krill oil reviews. Is red krill oil the best? What about arctic krill oil reviews?

I always recommend only buying supplements from a manufacturer whose product is made in the USA. Also, a company which follows GMP (good manufacturing practice for pharmaceuticals) means a product you can trust.

Krill Oil For Arthritis

Taking a clinical EPA/DHA dose of any of these omega-3 oils should lower triglyceride levels in the blood. However, the manufacturing methods, the freshness factor, and the nutritional profiles of the oil will also impact clinical effects.

Fish oil contains around 30% of DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids. Whereas, krill oil only contains around 14% of omega-3 fatty acids. However, the structure of the fatty acids found in krill oil make them more easily absorbed, in turn, making krill oil over 48 times more potent.

Krill Oil To Lose Weight

Every food source, including organic foods are contaminated, albeit at minuscule levels. DDT is in our environment and it will not go away anytime soon.Everything living on earth has accumulated these toxic compounds, though most of us remain unaware of this fact.

Who Uses Krill Oil

If, as you state, the krill oil supplement facts on the label are limited, then I would not trust such krill oil product. For example, I would become very suspicious if a branded reseller like MegaRed advertises that the krill oil supplement contains valuable phospholipids and astaxanthin, but then does not disclose how much of these valuable ingredients are actually in the krill oil. That smells fishy.

What we do know is that sea farmed salmon usually contain much more omega-6 (4) and saturated fats than wild salmon (5). In addition, depending on the type of salmon, the EPA/DHA content is relatively low, typically ranging from 8 to 16% of the oil. That means, you would need twice as many salmon oil capsules to get the same EPA/DHA dose found in regular fish oil capsules. As for getting a clinical dose of 3000 mg EPA/DHA, you would need around 20 capsules per day. That low dose also makes salmon oil more costly per omega-3 unit than typical fish oil capsules.

Why Take Krill Oil

Thanks, Joe. You're a well-informed guy, it seems. Since you posted this comment, we have done some krill oil reviews (on some of the brands supplied by the major krill oil suppliers). You can find krill oil reviews here. 

While the three large krill oil manufacturers Neptune, Aker and Azantis sell krill oil with at least 40% phospholipids, one must be careful with krill oil made by smaller players. There's currently a price cutter on the internet retailing "krill oil" for bargain prices, but their label states that the product contains only 0.5% phospholipids. That I would not consider "krill oil", because it's so different from what the others sell, and from what was originally tested in Neptunes clinical studies. Krill Oil Buyer be aware.

On the other hand, you are most likely correct about a link between phospholipids and hearing loss. Several other studies also point to that. For example: "Platelet activating factor (PAF), generated from biologically active phospholipids, has been implicated as a potent inflammatory mediator and has been shown to be involved in many pathological processes, especially in inflammation and allergy. It has been suspected that PAF may be one of the inflammatory mediators in middle ear effusion that can induce sensorineural hearing loss, as observed in chronic otitis media." See PubMedID 14994775. 

Unfortunately, severe overfishing also endangers other forms of marine life such as whales and dolphins. Over 300,000 of these top predators are thought to die each year simply from becoming entangled in fishing gear.

Which Krill Oil

Given that supplementation is a personal choice, no matter what you choose to take - be it a good quality fish oil or a good quality krill oil - the inclusion of much needed omega-3s into your diet is a definite step in the right direction.

Krill exist in large numbers and are an integral part of the aquatic food chain. They feed on phytoplankton and are found in all the world's oceans. To give you an idea of their mass, one species known as the Antarctic Krill makes up an estimated biomass of over 500,000,000 tons, which is roughly twice that of all humans on earth.

What's In Krill Oil Supplements?

There is also a catch limit set on the amount of krill that can be caught in the atlantic ocean each year in order to preserve resources. This has been set by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR).

Krill Oil Benefit

The Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3 (GOED) exists to set standards for EPA and DHA use in humans, as well as to help disseminate information and scientific research. GOED is also working to establish standards (called a monograph) for krill oil. People in the fish-oil business are looking forward to an expected decision by the FDA on establishing a 'required daily allowance' for omega-3s in the daily diet. This should open the door for a push to fortify foods and beverages with omega-3s. There is now available a liquid krill oil, tasteless and odorless, that can be added to things like sport drinks, energy shots and dairy products.   

Krill Oil Vs. Fish Oil – What’s The Difference?

Once consumed omega-3 fatty acids are converted into DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). DHA and EPA are polyunsaturated fats that play extremely important roles in the body, specifically in the vision development and brain function of children. One study found significantly lower amounts of EPA in the cells of patients who attempted suicide, suggesting that omega-3 fatty acids may actually play a role in suicide prevention.1 A lack of DHA has also been associated with Alzheimer’s disease, attention disorders, cystic fibrosis, and other diseases.

I read this morning an article about common over the counter drugs like Benadryl, Tylenol PM, Excedrin PM, Nytol, Sominex, Unisom, and Dramamin that these are blocking acetyl choline, an important neurotransmitter. The scientific study was done with a large group age 70+, and found that their brain function deteriorated when these sleep-aid drugs were used. The study suggests that that is bcause these drugs block acetyl-choline.

* One also has to consider the quantities consumed. Health products are held to a higher standard (and rightfully so). From a health perspective it's more important to ask how many pesticides there are in drinking water, vegetable oils, starches or meats, because we consume such a higher volume of them.

Salmon oil sounds good. You visualize a beautiful salmon fillet, and imagine you get the same quality you would if you ate wild caught fish. The reality is not as pretty. Because salmon is an expensive fish, it’s the leftovers – head, intestines and fins – that get turned into the oil, not the fillet. To be fair, those parts of the fish are fine to consume, so no negative comments there.

Krill Oil Vs Fish Oil

According to the National Center for Disease Control, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US. With 614,348 deaths in 2014 alone, it is obvious to see that taking steps to promote a healthy heart is something that every American needs to do.

The krill oil manufacturers also struggle with rancidity issues. At the cost of 5 times as much per omega-3 unit than regular fish oil, you’ve got to wonder if krill oil is worth it. Particularly until researchers learn more about its efficacy and safety.

Why Krill Oil

As for the nutritional profile, some of these fish oils have the highest omega-3 content – up to 30% combined EPA/DHA (3). On the other hand, half of the fats are saturated, or the double of what is found in salmon or cod liver oil.

Krill Oil Reviews

It is also worth mentioning that krill oils thin your blood. Therefore, you can sometimes experience bruising as a side effect from use of krill oil supplements. If this is to excessive amounts, of course consult your doctor.

Krill Oil To Buy

Pure krill oil can mean a lot of things to different people. For some it means that it is purely 100% made from antarctic krill. For others it means that it is pure, as in purified. For even an other pure Antarctic krill oil means that it is not polluted; from the pure waters around Antarctica.